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Presentation at Microsoft

Our last meeting for this semester took place at Microsoft offices, where we had to present our project to the studio mentors and also to executives at Microsoft. Each group presented their app, what they have accomplished so far, and heard critics.

We presented first, so most of the pressure was on us.

Eran and daniel presented our app and after that we got reviews. We tried to prepare a presentation which displays the most important features behind “Blenders” and our way of thinking. We also had a video that demonstrates the need of the app in the simplest way ( we focused on the need because our app is not ready yet to demonstrate how it works, view to technical problems).

We think the presentation went well. Most of the mentors liked our idea and said we found a very good insight. The main critique was that “blenders” lacked focus. we have to focus more on are insight and figure out a better way to solve the problem. They also suggested other ideas about our features that we will think if it is necessary to use.

Overall we are relatively satisfied. Even if some of the comments were not so good, we believe that the fact that everyone could identify with our idea, means that the problem we are trying to solve while using our app is relevant, and thats what keeps us motivated,

We know we have harder work ahead of us, and even though we have our midterm exams coming,

we will continue to work the upcoming weeks to make our app better.

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